Classmate Comments and My Opinions on Shot Composition.


Uriel's Shots

Uriel I really loved the extreme closeup you did with the eyeball! I was really able to feel a sensation of tension and claustrophobia with a shot that was close to the subject's face. Another shot I loved was your POV shot. With that shot I was really able to feel like I was inhabiting that character and the contrast of the dark bricks was able to portray a moody tone. Your use of the low angle shot was able to give the subject a sense of towering scale and portray his importance within the scene.

Loren's Shots

I really loved your use of low angle on the staircase. By shooting in that fashion you were really able to give the environment (the staircase in particular) a very grand sense of scale while making the subject look miniscule. Another shot that caught my eye was the dolly shot, it was really able to give the shot a great sense of motion and energy that invigorated my viewing experience. One last shot I really liked was your full shot. By composing the fame in that fashion I was really able to get a sense of the subject at hand and the characteristics of that individual.


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