The addition of sound effects in my media
1.) Music: For my shots detailing the subject of money and contrast I decided to input music in order to provide a starker contrast to the what the audience was viewing. In the shots of high value bills I played Pink Floyd's "Money" as to transmit a sense of decadence to the audience. While the shots with a few spare coins had Billy Joel's "Piano Man" playing in order to get a sense of loneness and solitude instilled into the shots.
2.) Direct Sound/Post Synchronization Dubbing: In my simultaneity clip I decided to leave the direct sound in the first half of the video in order to add more action and dynamics into the scene. By hearing the announcer holler at the game the viewer becomes more invested in the subject matter shown. In the next shot I added post synchronized dubbing to the subjects reaction to the football game. I recorded grimaces and winces at the poor play in order to better transmit the characters sense of disappointment in the game. This addition of sound would also be considered diegetic even if it wasn't apart of the original scene. The dub makes it seem that it comes directly from the character on the screen.
3.) Music/Sound Bridge: For my third scene involving parallelism I decided to use music once again to transmit a feeling for the audience. The clip contains the piece "Claire de Lune" by Debussy, the piece is placed in the scene to show to the audience that reading and telling stories have always been an ancient tradition and have had old roots no matter the medium it is being displayed in. This would considered a sound bridge due to the fact that it bridges two scenes together.
4.) Voice Over: For my shot on Symbolism I added a voice over to further explain the message to the audience. By adding the voice over the viewer can better comprehend the message being showcase in the scene and the transition form the recycling symbol to the overflowing trashcan. Voice over is a non-diegetic sound.
5.) Post Synchronization Dubbing/Non-Diegetic Sound: For my clip on Leit-Motif I decided to add an non-diegetic heartbeat to the clips of the clock in order to increase a sense of dread and existentialism for the passage of time. The heartbeat helps make that emotional transmission to the viewers and creates a sense of familiarity with the clock and its aforementioned feelings. The dubbing is mainly added to give the characters a further glimpse into the subjects mind and demonstrate what he's thinking.
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